

State of impresso newspaper collection - April 2018

Tue, 17.04 2018 — 

State of impresso newspaper collection - April 2018

We provide an overview of the current collection. More details about technical aspects will follow in two upcoming blog posts on image format evaluation and data pre-processing.

Where are we ?

As of April 20218, our digitized newspaper collection is mainly composed of Swiss and Luxembourgish newspapers in French and German. If the national libraries of Switzerland and Luxembourg as well as several other institutions agreed right from the project proposal to provide impresso with their newspaper archives, we were confronted in the last months with the need to approach Swiss cantonal libraries as well as private copyrights holders individually. Although not a straightforward process, we all in all succeeded in getting about 20 Swiss and 28 Luxembourgish newspapers so far, most of which are on our servers and being processed. During this phase we benefited from the institutional support of Liliane Regamey from the Swiss national library and from the technical assistance of RERO team, and we would like to address our warmest thanks to both of them.

Swiss newspapers

Our acquisition of swiss newspapers focused so far on the French speaking part of the Confederation (“Romandie”). In general newspaper digitization campaigns started during the second half of the 2000s and are still ongoing or planed. Such activities were coordinated by the national library, in collaboration with cantonal institutions and/or private publishers (La Liberté, Le Nouvelliste, la Société Neuchâteloise de Presse, Le Temps, etc.), often with the support of an association bringing together the main actors. The material to which we have access corresponds to image scans and OCR output, all produced by a private company. Here is the current list of impresso Swiss newspapers:

Title Resource holder Lg From To
Der Landbote des freiburgischen Seebezirks Cantonal library of Fribourg de 1909 1914
Journal du canton de Fribourg Cantonal library of Fribourg fr 1830 1833
Le Bien public Cantonal library of Fribourg fr 1879 1888
Le Confédéré de Fribourg Cantonal library of Fribourg fr 1848 1907
Le Chroniqueur Cantonal library of Fribourg fr 1854 1881
Le Courrier fribourgeois Cantonal library of Fribourg fr 1830 1830
Le Narrateur fribourgeois Cantonal library of Fribourg fr 1840 1855
La Tribune de Fribourg Cantonal library of Fribourg fr 1905 2018
Le Véridique Cantonal library of Fribourg fr 1831 1833
L’Express Public and university library of Neuchâtel (BPUN) / ArcInfo fr 1738 2018
L’Impartial Public and university library of Neuchâtel (BPUN)  / ArcInfo fr 1881 2018
L’Essor Library of La Chaux-de-Fonds / L’Essor newspaper fr 1906 2018
La Sentinelle - Le Peuple La Sentinelle Library of La Chaux-de-Fonds / Socialist party of Neuchâtel fr 1890 1971
Bulletin des séances de la Constituante Valais media library fr 1839 1839
Courrier du Valais Valais media library fr 1935 1938
L’Écho des Alpes Valais media library fr 1839 1844
Le Journal du Valais Valais media library fr 1848 1848
Confédéré Valais media library fr 1861 2018
L’Observateur Valais media library fr 1846 1848
Gazette de Lausanne Le Temps newspaper fr 1804 1991
Journal de Genève Le Temps newspaper fr 1826 1998
Le nouveau quotidien Le Temps newspaper fr 1991 1998
Neue Zürcher Zeitung Neue Zürcher Zeitung newspaper de 1780 2017

Le Temps and NZZ

Le Temps and Neue Zürcher Zeitung are among the major Swiss newspapers (for French and German-speaking parts of Switzerland, respectively) and both organizations accepted to support impresso. NZZ is the oldest newspaper in Switzerland, which has been published without interruption since 1780. Le Temps was born in 1998 (20th birthday this year), from the fusion of 2 existing newspapers: Le Journal de Genève published since 1826 and Le nouveau Quotidien since 1991, Le Journal de Genève having itself integrated La Gazette de Lausanne, published since 1804.

Luxembourgish newspapers

Title Lg From To
L’Action féminine de 1927 1940
Der Arme Teufel fr de 1903 1929
L’avenir fr de 1868 1871
Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois de 1907 2011
Bürger- und Beamten-Zeitung de 1898 1916
Courrier du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg fr de 1844 1868
De Letzeburger de 1893 1909
De Mitock fr de lb 1937 1940
Die Schmiede de 1916 1919
Diekircher Wochenblatt de 1841 1848
D’Lëtzebuerger Land en fr de lb 1954 2007
D’Unio’n lb 1944 1948
Jong-Hémecht de 1926 1940
Komm mit mir! de 1884 1884
La Gazette du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg fr 1878 1878
Das Luxemburger Land in Wort und Bild fr de 1895 1895
Luxemburger Volks-Freund de 1869 1876
Luxemburger Wort fr de lb 1848 1950
Luxemburger Zeitung de 1844 1845
Luxemburger Zeitung = Journal de Luxembourg de 1858 1859
Mittheilungen aus den Vereinssitzungen de 1891 1906
Obermosel-Zeitung de 1881 1948
Ons Jongen lb 1944 1951
Recueil des mémoires et des travaux publiés par la Société Botanique du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg fr 1874 1902
Tageblatt fr de lb 1913 1950
L’Union fr de 1860 1871
Der Wächter an der Sauer de 1849 1869
D’Wäschfra de 1868 1884

Dutch newspapers

Impresso also received the support from the National Library of the Netherlands, who accepted to share with us their newspaper archive in French language. Those newspapers will be processed from July 2018 on.

Title Lg From To
Traduction libre des gazettes flamandes et autres fr 1677 1677
Nouvelles extraordinaires de divers endroits fr 1696 1798
Gazette de Rotterdam fr 1690 1714
Avec privilège de nos-seigneurs les Etats de Hollande et de West-Frise fr 1696 1740
Journal d’Amsterdam fr 1783 1783
Nouvelles politiques publiées à Leyde fr 1798 1804
Courrier d’Amsterdam = Courier van Amsterdam du fr 1810 1811
Journal du département des bouches du Rhin du fr 1810 1813
Gazette de Frise = Vriesche courant du fr 1811 1811
Gazette de Groningue = Groninger courant du fr 1811 1811
Feuille politique du département du Zuiderzee = Staatkundig dagblad van het Departement der Zuiderzee du fr 1811 1813
Feuille politique du département de l’Issel-supérieur = Staatkundig dagblad van het departement van den Boven-IJssel du fr 1812 1813
Affiches annonces et avis divers d’Amsterdam = Advertentiën aankondigingen en verschillende berigten van Amsterdam du fr 1811 1813
Feuille d’affiches annonces et avis divers de Groningue = Advertentieblad bekendmakingen en onderscheidene berigten van Groningen du fr 1812 1813
Journal du département des bouches de l’Escaut = Dagblad van het departement van de Schelde du fr 1811 1814
Affiches annonces et avis divers de Leyde = Advertentiën aankondigingen en berigten van Leyden du fr 1812 1813
Java government gazette du en 1812 1816
Journal de la province de Limbourg fr 1816 1829
L’éclaireur : journal politique commercial et littéraire de Maestricht fr 1827 1829
L’éclaireur politique : journal de la province du Limbourg fr 1829 1830
Journal de La Haye fr 1830 1849
Affiches annonces et avis divers de Rotterdam = Advertentien aankondigingen en berigten van Rotterdam du fr 1812 1813
Gazette d’Amsterdam = Amsterdamsche courant du fr 1811 1811
Gazette de Leuwarde = Leeuwarder courant du fr 1811 1811
Gazette de Middelbourg = Middelburgsche courant du fr 1811 1811
Gazette du département de l’Ems occidental = Courant van het departement van de Wester Eems du fr 1811 1811
Gazette d’Utrecht = Utrechtsche courant du fr 1748 1811
Journal du département de la Frise = Dagblad van het departement Vriesland du fr 1811 1813
Journal historique fr 1704 1712
Memoires qui doivent servir à la composition de la Gazette d’Amsterdam fr 1671 1675
Moniteur d’Amsterdam = Moniteur van Amsterdam du fr 1810 1810
Nouvelles de divers quartiers fr 1714 1714
Suite des nouvelles d’Amsterdam fr 1707 1740

What’s next

We keep getting into contact with institutions at Swiss and European level and other collections will complement the current set, first on the list being Belgium and remaining Swiss newspapers.


We are very grateful to all institutions who accepted to share their collections.

Ehrmann, Maud. State of impresso newspaper collection - April 2018, Blog post, impresso, 2018 <>.